Sunday 29 July 2012

The Void

It was a winter morning..the sun was shining bright & its light beams filled up her room..she woke up and checked the time on her phone.a smile crossed over her face..she seemed very happy..although she had no specific plans for that day she dressed up and went out.She felt different,fresh and lively..she knew the reason for her smile,she wanted to talk about it.Her phone was a message that she had expected...She felt love after a long time..but,she was confused..was it just because she was alone?? or was it the fear of losing again?? why did she want to hold on tight and never let go? what was it that she felt? love or a mere attraction? she thought she knew but nothing fell into the correct places.She was trapped in the emptiness..darkness fell upon her..her vision seemed to get blurred..

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